
Baby Delainy

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New niece!!!

Jordan Alexis Bringhurst was born on 2/21/09 at 6:13 pm. She was 6 lbs 4oz and 19.5 inches long. She is 3 weeks early and was one of the only babies to be born at DRMC's new hospital due to complications. The cord was wrapped around her neck so everytime a contraction came her heart slowed significantly. Both mom and baby are doing fine now after an emergency c-section.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Being old

Well what can I say, I need to start taking more pictures. I just don't like pictures of me now compared to the older days. What can I say, I miss being skinny and now I am getting old..... what to do, what to do. It seems like life has just flown by. I feel like I have missed so many things too and still feel like I do. So much to see and so much to do and yet...... I don't. I guess its hard to get motivated sometimes but you think that you would make yourself. It seems like just yesterday that I was in high school and now all my friends are going to college and graduating to be big time something or another or getting married and starting families.,,,, there is only one conclusion....... I am old.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well I have been trying to diet...... First thought was its not going to work. As of right now I still haven't really lost much weight, but I notice that I feel better about myself. Haven't really figured that one out. I hope to start loosing weight soon so I can feel even better. I have been having some health problems again and I hope that this will help. Time will only tell.